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Things To Know About Roman Road Evangelism

Many people interested in becoming Christians and those who are already followers of Christ have heard about the Roman Road plan of salvation. Many people were taught this concept as children and many still believe the concept to be true. The following is an evaluation of the Roman Road evangelism and insight on how it measures up to the truth about Jesus and salvation as revealed in the Scripture.

Paul’s letter to the Romans states that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and that there is no one righteous. (Romans 3:23 and 3:10).These statements are true as they are stated since mankind is under the penalty of sin courtesy of the first parents Adam and Eve. However, throughout the bible history, each person has a responsibility in charting their eternal destiny. The gift of God is eternal life which comes through Christ Jesus. The book of Romans also mentions that the wages of sin are death but while people were still in their sin, Christ died for them. According to the book of Romans, if people shall confess with their mouth that Christ Jesus and believe in their hearts that God raised them from the dead, you will be saved.

We are also reminded that anyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Calling upon the Lord for deliverance from God’s wrath is what Paul is emphasizing in this section. Before Christian reach this point, they need to believe in justification that comes from the life, death, and raising of Christ Jesus. People are saved by believing that Jesus lived a perfect life on earth and when He was crucified, He took our position on the Cross. His righteousness is then imputed to us in what is referred to as justification by faith. It is therefore crucial that an individual or organization leading someone to salvation in Christ explain the right thing to the new convert so that they can rightly receive Christ.

There are several options that can be extracted from this context. Some ministers emphasize confessing Jesus as Lord and savior and that makes them Christians. Others teach that when people pray and ask Christ into their hearts, they would have become Christians. Others understand the scripture in Romans to be saying that people should be willing to not only confess but also turn from their sin.

People who share Roman road evangelism often emphasize that result of salvation brings peace with God through Christ Jesus which is true. However, for this to happen people must understand how salvation happens and how to receive it by faith in Christ Jesus. The fifth chapter of Romans explains that when people have been justified by faith in Christ Jesus, there will be peace with God through Christ Jesus. The eighth chapter of the same book starts by declaring that there is no condemnation for everyone who is in Christ Jesus. It goes on to explain how nothing can separate the believers from the love of Christ.

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